Sunday, 11 December 2011

Writers Block

I haven't written in a while. I have a bit of writers block, I guess. There is a lot going on, especially with my toddler testing the shizzle out of me on a daily basis and Christmas coming up but whether it's the weather or the stress or the chaos but I just haven't been motivated to write anything. Come an evening all I want to do after tucking the kids in is to sit in front of Australian Masterchef with a cup of tea, and then to bed.
The washing up isn't done. A late laundry is not put on. My book remains unread and my blog... well, you can see for yourself.
And then I was oh so unwell with the rather Y2K sounding Novo virus and have lost a whole week, which when on the run up to Christmas, is a hell of a long time to lose! But after a rather windswept walk on a wet beach in Brighton I am hoping that the cobwebs have been well and truly blown away. And, in fact, I am sure I could see the big block that has been standing in my way come tumbling out and roll down the beach, being swept away by the blustery breeze that may have come to my rescue today.